Symbols - Copy and paste

Simply copy-paste the special symbol characters to webpage, notepad, MS word, MS excel, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp status, Instagram etc. Symbol categories like arrow ⇾, star ✵, heart ♥, copyright ©, currency $ and mathematical symbols ± etc., are listed here.

Arrow Symbols


Star Symbols


Heart Symbols


Copyright Symbols


Currency Symbols


Index pointing Symbols


Telephone Symbols


Gender Symbols

Pencil Symbols


Mailbox Symbols


Chess board Symbols

Roman number Symbols

Number Symbols


Music Symbols


Unit Symbols


Astronomical and Zodiac Symbols

Check mark Symbols


Punctuation Symbols


Fraction Symbols


Mathematical Symbols


Comparision Symbols


Bracket Symbols


Square & Rectangle Symbols


Circle Symbols


Triangle Symbols


Box Drawing Symbols

Alphabet Symbols


Symbols copy and paste - Simple online tool to copy and paste the symbol characters. This tool categorized the symbol list and it can be copied easily with a click. Copy these special symbol character and paste them anywhere like webpage, notepad, MS word, MS excel, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Whatsapp status, Instagram etc. Symbols are grouped like arrow ⇾, star ✵, heart ♥, copyright ©, currency $, mathematical ±, punctuation ‼, index pointing ☛, Roman numbers ⅺ, astronomical ☭, musical notes ♬, measurement unit ㎟, fraction ¼, gender ⚤, check mark ☑, bracket ❰ ❱, square ■, rectangle ㅁ, circle ⊙, triangle △ and comparison ≳. Also this tool have a feature called symbol textbox, you can easily write text with special symbol character in between and copy them as a whole text. This tool do not have any restriction and users can copy and paste any number special character symbols online.

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