Photo size to KB converter

Quickly convert MB size photo to KB size online

Photo size reduction tool in KB - This tool reduce the MB size photos to kilobytes or even smaller, without alter the photo dimension. JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF and Webp are the photo formats supported to use. The max photo size allowed for size reduction is upto 20 MB and the tool does not place any watermark of the website names in reduced photo. This tool do not have any restriction, users can reduce any number of MB size photo to Kilobytes or even smaller. Finally, the tool do not upload or save the photos placed in the tool for size reduction, all the size reduction process are browser based and it is more secured.

Tool guidelines

Step 1) - Browse and add large size photo in tool.

Step 2) - Once photo is placed, click convert to KB photo button to start reduction.

Step 3) - Once photo size is reduced, the tool display the result photo with reduced photo size on the right side of the tool.

Step 4) - Compare it with original photo and the expected size reduction is attained then download in desired photo format.

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